Define custom or branded text inside the widget.


localization: {
    "startingScreen": {
        "header": "Add a Title Here",
        "subtitle": "Put some caption here"
    "connectSourceScreen": {
        "instructionText": "Link your account below",
        "connectDataButtonText": "Link my account now",
        "saveConfigurationButtonText": "Save my configuration"
    "copySourceScreen": {
        "header": "Duplicate the same setup from this flow?",
        "actionButton": "No, I'll use a different account"
    "quickActions": {
        "runJobsTitle": "Run Jobs",
        "runJobsSubtitle": "Some instructions for your users to run jobs",
        "editFieldMapTitle": "Field Map Editor",
        "editFieldMapSubtitle": "Some instructions for your users to edit Field Map",
        "reconnectTitle": "Reconnect Source",
        "reconnectSubtitle": "Some instructions for your users to reconnect the source",
        "editScheduleTitle": "Edit Time of Sync",
        "editScheduleSubtitle": "Some instructions for your users to edit sync schedule",
        "unlinkTitle": "Unlink Source",
        "unlinkSubtitle": "Some instructions for your users to unlink the source"
    "jobHistory": {
        "noJobsCaption": "Add text to guide user/s to run jobs!"
    "searchSource": {
        "searchSourceText": "Search App",
        "noSourceCaption": "Add text if there is no source upon search",
        "noSourceAvailableCaption": "There are no source for this flow, try add on the dashboard"
    "searchTarget": {
        "searchTargetText": "Search Target App",
        "noTargetCaption": "Add text if there is no target upon search",
        "noTargetAvailableCaption": "There are no target for this flow, try add on the dashboard"