
A tap reads and processes data from an API or Database. This involves two separate processes:

  1. Discovery: Generating a catalog of the available streams (aka tables), including metadata such as primary keys and available fields

  2. Syncing: Reading data from streams and writing the resulting records according to the Singer spec

Setting up a local tap environment

Virtual Environments

Dependencies can differ from tap to tap, so it is best to use a virtual environment to isolate the tap’s Python dependencies.

You can create a virtual environment named .venv in your tap workspace with:

python -m venv .venv

You can then enter the virtual environment with:

source .venv/bin/activate

Finally, you can install the tap’s dependencies depending on how they are specified:

Dependency FilesCommand
requirements.txtpip install -r requirements.txt
setup.pypip install -e .
pyproject.tomlpip install -e .


Both the Discover and Sync processes require a valid config, which will include fields like API keys, OAuth credentials, and configuration flags.

For example:

    "client_id": "...",
    "client_secret": "...",
    "refresh_token": "...",
    "access_token": "...",
    "start_date": "2025-01-25T00:00:00Z",

Most taps will include information about the required config values in their README’s.

If you want to try to reproduce the sync output of a particular Hotglue job, you can download the job folder on your Hotglue job page:

💡 To keep your workspace clean, create a .secrets folder to store your config.json. Run all tap commands out of this folder to make sure your catalogs and output data stay separate from relevant code.

Running a Discover

Within your virtual environment, you can invoke the tap from your command line.

For example, if your tap was called tap-Salesforce, you could run a discover with:

tap-salesforce --config PATH_TO_CONFIG/config.json --discover > catalog.json

If the discover runs successfully, this will generate a file called catalog.json with information about the available streams and fields:

  "streams": [
      "tap_stream_id": "...",
      "replication_key": "LastModifiedDate",
      "replication_method": "INCREMENTAL",
      "key_properties": [
      "schema": {

If you prefer to work with VSCode’s Debugger, you can run a discover with the following configuration:

    "name": "tap discover",
    "type": "python",
    "request": "launch",
    "program": ".../PATH_TO_ENTRY_SCRIPT", // e.g., .../tap_salesforce/
    "args": [
    "justMyCode": false,
    "python": "ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_TAP_DIRECTORY/.venv/bin/python",
    "console": "integratedTerminal"

Selecting Streams and Fields

The next step of the syncing process is to select which streams and fields you want to sync.

We recommend doing this with the Singer-Discover Command Line Utility.

pip install

Once installed, you can generate a catalog-selected.json with:

singer-discover --input catalog.json --output catalog-selected.json

You will then be prompted to select your streams

This will generate a new catalog called catalog-selected.json that includes your selection metadata.

Running a Sync

You can now sync the streams selected in your catalog-selected.json. If your tap is named tap-Salesforce, you could run a sync with:

tap-salesforce --config config.json --catalog catalog-selected.json > data.txt

This will write the streams to a data.txt file according to the Singer spec.

If you prefer to work with VSCode’s Debugger, you can run a sync with the following configuration:

    "name": "tap sync",
    "type": "python",
    "request": "launch",
    "program": ".../PATH_TO_ENTRY_SCRIPT", // e.g., .../tap_salesforce/
    "args": [
    "justMyCode": false,
    "python": "ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_TAP_DIRECTORY/.venv/bin/python",
    "console": "integratedTerminal"