Connector Details

PlatformAWS S3
Auth TypeAPI Keys
Tap Metrics


Target Metrics


Credentials Setup

Follow the steps below to get the credentials you need to use the AWS S3 connector.

For the S3 target to work correctly, you need to create an IAM user with permission to access the bucket you wish hotglue to output data to. The instructions to create an IAM user are available on the AWS docs.

Bucket output path

The output path can include the following parameters:

The tenant id this job is running for
The root tenant id (only applicable if using subtenants)
The tap id this job ran for
The flow id this job ran for
The internal hotglue job id
The environment this job ran for
The current date formatted as YYYYMM
The current date formatted as YYMMDD

For example, a valid bucket output path is data/invoices/