
Zoho offers a suite of business, collaboration, and productivity applications.

Connector Details

Auth TypeOAuth

Supported Data

See the table below for the list of data you can read with the Zoho connector.

Table NameFields
id, Owner, Type, Campaign_Name, Status, Start_Date, End_Date, Expected_Revenue, Budgeted_Cost, Actual_Cost, Expected_Response, Num_sent, Created_By, Modified_By, Created_Time, Modified_Time, Parent_Campaign, Description
id, Owner, Rating, Account_Name, Phone, Account_Site, Fax, Parent_Account, Website, Account_Number, Ticker_Symbol, Account_Type, Ownership, Industry, Employees, Annual_Revenue, SIC_Code, Created_By, Modified_By, Created_Time, Modified_Time, Last_Activity_Time, Last_Enriched_Times, Enrich_Statuss, Billing_Street, Shipping_Street, Billing_City, Shipping_City, Billing_State, Shipping_State, Billing_Code, Shipping_Code, Billing_Country, Shipping_Country, Description, Record_Image
id, deleted_by, display_name, type, created_by, deleted_time
id, deleted_by, display_name, type, created_by, deleted_time
id, deleted_by, display_name, type, created_by, deleted_time
id, deleted_by, display_name, type, created_by, deleted_time
id, Owner, Company, First_Name, Last_Name, Full_Name, Designation, Email, Phone, Fax, Mobile, Website, Lead_Source, Lead_Status, Industry, No_of_Employees, Annual_Revenue, Rating, Created_By, Email_Opt_Out, Skype_ID, Modified_By, Created_Time, Modified_Time, Salutation, Secondary_Email, Twitter, Last_Activity_Time, Unsubscribed_Mode, Unsubscribed_Time, Last_Enriched_Times, Enrich_Statuss, Street, City, State, Zip_Code, Country, Description, Record_Image
id, Owner, Subject, Due_Date, Who_Id, What_Id, Status, Priority, Created_By, Send_Notification_Email, Modified_By, Remind_At, Created_Time, Modified_Time, Recurring_Activity, Closed_Time, Description
id, Owner, Modified_By, Created_By, Created_Time, Modified_Time, File_Name, Size, Parent_Id
id, deleted_by, display_name, type, created_by, deleted_time
id, first_name, last_name, email, role, profile, created_by, alias, Modified_By, created_time, Modified_Time, phone, mobile, website, fax, dob, Isonline, date_format, street, city, state, zip, country, locale, country_locale, time_zone, time_format, full_name
id, Who_Id, What_Id, Call_Type, Call_Start_Time, Call_Duration, Owner, Dialled_Number, Subject, Caller_ID, Created_By, Modified_By, Created_Time, Modified_Time, Call_Duration_in_seconds, CTI_Entry, Call_Status, Call_Purpose, Call_Agenda, Call_Result, Description
id, Owner, Lead_Source, First_Name, Last_Name, Full_Name, Account_Name, Email, Title, Department, Phone, Home_Phone, Other_Phone, Fax, Mobile, Date_of_Birth, Assistant, Asst_Phone, Email_Opt_Out, Created_By, Skype_ID, Modified_By, Created_Time, Modified_Time, Salutation, Secondary_Email, Last_Activity_Time, Twitter, Reporting_To, Unsubscribed_Mode, Unsubscribed_Time, Last_Enriched_Times, Enrich_Statuss, Mailing_Street, Other_Street, Mailing_City, Other_City, Mailing_State, Other_State, Mailing_Zip, Other_Zip, Mailing_Country, Other_Country, Description, Record_Image
id, Owner, Amount, Deal_Name, Closing_Date, Account_Name, Stage, Type, Probability, Next_Step, Expected_Revenue, Lead_Source, Campaign_Source, Contact_Name, Created_By, Modified_By, Created_Time, Modified_Time, Last_Activity_Time, Lead_Conversion_Time, Sales_Cycle_Duration, Overall_Sales_Duration, Description
id, Owner, Note_Title, Note_Content, Parent_Id, Created_By, Modified_By, Created_Time, Modified_Time
id, Event_Title, Venue, All_day, Start_DateTime, End_DateTime, Owner, Participants, Who_Id, What_Id, Created_By, Recurring_Activity, Modified_By, Created_Time, Modified_Time, Description, Check_In_Time, Check_In_By, Check_In_Comment, Check_In_Sub_Locality, Check_In_City, Check_In_State, Check_In_Country, Latitude, Longitude, ZIP_Code, Check_In_Address, Check_In_Status
id, display_label, forecast_manager, share_with_peers, name, description, reporting_to, admin_user
id, deleted_by, display_name, type, created_by, deleted_time
id, Owner, Subject, Created_By, Modified_By, Created_Time, Modified_Time, Activity_Type, Who_Id, What_Id, Description, Due_Date, Status, Priority, Recurring_Activity, Closed_Time, Call_Type, Call_Start_Time, Call_Duration, Dialled_Number, Caller_ID, Call_Duration_in_seconds, CTI_Entry, Call_Status, Call_Purpose, Call_Agenda, Call_Result, Venue, All_day, Start_DateTime, End_DateTime, Participants, Check_In_Time, Check_In_By, Check_In_Comment, Check_In_Sub_Locality, Check_In_City, Check_In_State, Check_In_Country, Latitude, Longitude, ZIP_Code, Check_In_Address, Check_In_Status
id, data, All Accounts, My Accounts, New Last Week, New This Week, Recently Created Accounts, Recently Modified Accounts, Unread Accounts
id, data, All Leads, Converted Leads, Junk Leads, Mailing Labels, My Converted Leads, My Leads, Not Qualified Leads, Open Leads, Recently Created Leads, Recently Modified Leads, Today’s Leads, Unread Leads, Unsubscribed Leads
id, data, All Contacts, Mailing Labels, My Contacts, New Last Week, New This Week, Recently Created Contacts, Recently Modified Contacts, Unread Contacts, Unsubscribed Contacts

Credentials Setup

Follow the steps below to get the credentials you need to use the Zoho connector.

The first thing that you need to do to get your Zoho OAuth credentials is to head to the Zoho API Console. Make sure that you go ahead and sign into Zoho in the top right hand corner. If you do not have a Zoho account, you will be prompted to create one.

Once you’re on the Zoho API Console, select the Get Started button.

On the Choose a Client Type page, you want to select the Server-based Applications option.

Name the Client the name of your app, input your websites home page URL, and set the Authorized Redirect URIs to

Once done, click the Create button.

Now you have your Client ID and your Client Secret! Go ahead and copy these into hotglue.