
Block is a merchant services aggregator and mobile payment company that aims to simplify commerce through technology.

Connector Details

Auth TypeOAuth

Supported Data

See the table below for the list of data you can read with the Square connector.

Table NameFields
type, id, updated_at, created_at, version, is_deleted, custom_attribute_values, present_at_all_locations, present_at_location_ids, category_data, item_data
id, location_id, line_items, created_at, updated_at, state, version, total_tax_money, total_discount_money, total_tip_money, total_money, closed_at, tenders, total_service_charge_money, net_amounts, source, customer_id

Credentials Setup

Follow the steps below to get the credentials you need to use the Square connector.

The first thing you need to do is log in to the Square Developer portal.

Enter the credentials and click on Sign in button.

To add your app click on the add button.

Enter your application name and save the changes.

You will land on the Credentials page. Click on OAuth from left nav pane.

You should add the Redirect URI Once you do, you can also get your Client ID and Client Secret. Now you can go ahead and copy the credentials into hotglue.