
Intercom creates modern customer service software that redefines how businesses support their customers.

Connector Details

Auth TypeOAuth

Supported Data

See the table below for the list of data you can read with the Intercom connector.

Table NameFields
admin_ids, avatar, away_mode_enabled, away_mode_reassign, email, has_inbox_seat, id, job_title, name, team_ids, type
company_id, created_at, custom_attributes, id, industry, monthly_spend, name, plan, remote_created_at, segments, session_count, size, tags, type, updated_at, user_count, website
admin_id, api_writable, archived, created_at, custom, data_type, description, full_name, label, model, name, options, type, ui_writable, updated_at
created_at, count, id, name, type, updated_at
assignee, source, contacts, teammates, first_contact_reply, priority, conversation_message, conversation_rating, created_at, customer_first_reply, customers, id, open, read, sent_at, snoozed_until, sla_applied, state, statistics, tags, type, updated_at, user, waiting_since
assigned_to, attachments, author, body, conversation_id, conversation_created_at, conversation_updated_at, conversation_total_parts, created_at, external_id, id, notified_at, part_type, type, updated_at
type, model, name, full_name, label, description, data_type, options, api_writable, ui_writable, custom, archived, admin_id, created_at, updated_at
type, id, workspace_id, external_id, role, email, phone, name, avatar, owner_id, social_profiles, has_hard_bounced, marked_email_as_spam, unsubscribed_from_emails, created_at, updated_at, signed_up_at, last_seen_at, last_replied_at, last_contacted_at, last_email_opened_at, last_email_clicked_at, language_override, browser, browser_version, browser_language, os, location, android_app_name, android_app_version, android_device, android_os_version, android_sdk_version, android_last_seen_at, ios_app_name, ios_app_version, ios_device, ios_os_version, ios_sdk_version, ios_last_seen_at, custom_attributes, tags, notes, companies
created_at, count, id, name, type, updated_at
id, name, type
admin_ids, id, name, type

Credentials Setup

Follow the steps below to get the credentials you need to use the Intercom connector.

To get your OAuth credentials for Intercom, you are first going to need to log in to Intercom.

Now that you are on the Intercom home page, go to the bottom left of the page and click on your account icon.

Select the Settings tab.

Select the Apps & Integrations option in the left-sided nav bar.

Under Apps & Intergations, click on Developer Hub.

Click on New app.

Input App name and other fields and Click Create app button. Remember, this should be the name of your app, not hotglue.

Navigate to “Authentication” Menu. Click on “Edit” button.

Check off “Use OAuth” under the OAuth tab, and then add as the Redirect URL. Save the changes by clicking the Save button in the top right hand corner.

Then head to the Basic Information option via the left-sided nav bar. You should now be able to copy the Intercom OAuth Client ID and Client Secret into hotglue.

You have now gotten your credentials for Intercom!