
Slack is an enterprise software platform that allows teams and businesses of all sizes to communicate effectively.

Connector Details

Auth TypeOAuth

Supported Data

See the table below for the list of data you can read with the Slack connector.

Table NameFields
id, name, is_channel, is_group, is_im, created, creator, is_archived, is_general, unlinked, name_normalized, is_shared, is_ext_shared, is_org_shared, is_pending_ext_shared, shared_team_ids, pending_shared, pending_connected_team_ids, parent_conversation, is_member, is_private, is_mpim, topic, purpose, previous_names, num_members, members, channel_id
id, team_id, name, deleted, color, real_name, tz, tz_label, tz_offset, is_admin, is_owner, is_primary_owner, is_restricted, is_ultra_restricted, is_bot, updated, is_app_user, has_2fa, profile
channel_id, user_id
channel_id, blocks, bot_id, bot_profile, client_msg_id, display_as_bot, file_id, file_ids, icons, inviter, is_delayed_message, is_intro, is_starred, last_read, latest_reply, name, old_name, parent_user_id, permalink, pinned_to, purpose, reactions, reply_count, reply_users, reply_users_count, source_team, subscribed, subtype, team, text, thread_ts, topic, ts, type, unread_count, upload, user, user_team, username
channel_id, client_msg_id, type, text, user, ts, team, blocks, thread_ts, reply_count, reply_users_count, latest_reply, reply_users, subscribed
created, creator, id, is_archived, is_deleted, is_group, is_moved, is_mpim, is_open, is_pending_ext_shared, is_read_only, is_thread_only, last_read, members, name, name_normalized, num_members, parent_group, priority, purpose, topic, unread_count, unread_count_display
archived, avatar_base_url, created, date_create, deleted, description, discoverable, domain, email_domain, enterprise_id, enterprise_name, has_compliance_export, icon, id, is_assigned, is_enterprise, messages_count, msg_edit_window_mins, name, over_integrations_limit, over_storage_limit, plan
channels, comments_count, created, date_delete, display_as_bot, editable, editor, external_id, external_type, external_url, filetype, groups, has_rich_preview, id, image_exif_rotation, ims, is_external, is_public, is_starred, is_tombstoned, last_editor, mimetype, mode, name, non_owner_editable, num_stars, original_h, original_w, permalink, permalink_public, pinned_info, pinned_to, pretty_type, preview, public_url_shared, size, source_team, state, thumb_1024, thumb_1024_h, thumb_1024_w, thumb_160, thumb_360, thumb_360_h, thumb_360_w, thumb_480, thumb_480_h, thumb_480_w, thumb_64, thumb_720, thumb_720_h, thumb_720_w, thumb_80, thumb_800, thumb_800_h, thumb_800_w, thumb_960, thumb_960_h, thumb_960_w, thumb_tiny, timestamp, title, updated, url_private, url_private_download, user, user_team, username
channels, comments_count, created, date_delete, display_as_bot, editable, editor, external_id, external_type, external_url, filetype, groups, has_rich_preview, id, image_exif_rotation, ims, is_external, is_public, is_starred, is_tombstoned, last_editor, mimetype, mode, name, non_owner_editable, num_stars, original_h, original_w, permalink, permalink_public, pinned_info, pinned_to, pretty_type, preview, public_url_shared, size, source_team, state, thumb_1024, thumb_1024_h, thumb_1024_w, thumb_160, thumb_360, thumb_360_h, thumb_360_w, thumb_480, thumb_480_h, thumb_480_w, thumb_64, thumb_720, thumb_720_h, thumb_720_w, thumb_80, thumb_800, thumb_800_h, thumb_800_w, thumb_960, thumb_960_h, thumb_960_w, thumb_tiny, timestamp, title, updated, url_private, url_private_download, user, user_team, username

Credentials Setup

Follow the steps below to get the credentials you need to use the Slack connector.

The first thing that you need to do to get your Slack OAuth credentials is to head to the Slack API dashboard. If you do not have a Slack account, you will be prompted to create one.

Once you’re on the Slack API dashboard, select create new app

Create a Slack app

In the popup, select Create from scratch

Choose from scratch

Now give your app a name, and pick a Slack workspace to test with, then click Create App

Fill in App Name and workspace details

From the next screen, select OAuth & Permissions

Click OAuth & Permissions

On the OAuth & Permissions page, scroll down to the Redirect URLs section, and add as a valid URL and click Save URLs

Configure redirect URLs

Now scroll down to the Scopes section. For hotglue to work, you must grant the following scopes:

  • channels:history
  • channels:join
  • channels:read
  • files:read
  • groups:read
  • links:read
  • reactions:read
  • remote_files:read
  • remote_files:write
  • team:read
  • usergroups:read
  • users.profile:read
  • users:read

Add scopes from list above

Finally, click on Basic Information in the top left.

Select Basic Information

Now scroll down to the App Credentials section. Here you will be able to access the necessary client id and client secret.

Obtain your client id and client secret

You can now use these credentials in hotglue to configure your Slack integration!

Add your Slack bot to a channel

Once a user has authenticated via OAuth with your Slack app, your bot will be available in the apps list of their Slack workspace. But before the bot can read any messages, you must first add them in the channels you wish to get messages from.

Go to channel details in Slack and click on Integrations

From here, click on Add an App, and select your app in the list

That’s it!