Connector Details

Auth TypeOAuth
Tap Repo
Tap Metrics

Success Rate:

Credentials Setup

Follow the steps below to get the credentials you need to use the SurveyMonkey connector.

The first thing that you need to do to get your SurveyMonkey OAuth credentials is to login in to SurveyMonkey. If you do not have a SurveyMonkey account, you can create a free one here.

Now that you have logged into SurveyMonkey, your home page should look similar to this. You should scroll all the way to the bottom of the page.

At the bottom of the page, there is a small tab called Developers. Go ahead and click on that.

Now, you will be on the SurveyMonkey developer home page. Look in the header and click on the My Apps tab.

On the My Apps page, go ahead and click the Add a New App button.

On this page, you should go ahead and name your app as your company name, not hotglue. Remember, this is the app your customers will be seeing when they are connecting their SurveyMonkey account to your platform. Once you are done configuring your app details, you can go ahead and click the Create App button.

If you are wondering whether to make your app public or not, the benefit of making your app public is that you will then have the opportunity to be listed on SurveyMonkey’s App Directory.

Now you have your OAuth Client ID and Secret! There are still a couple things you must do before your app is ready to use. Head to the Settings tab of your app.

You should now go ahead and replace the current OAuth Redirect URL with:

Make sure to press submit changes once you’ve done that!

Next, you need to scroll down to the scopes section of SurveyMonkey and enable these scopes for your app.

Important to note that if you change these scopes while you have users connected via this app, they will need to re-authenticate.

And now you are ready to plug the credentials into hotglue!

Survey ID

Now to get your Survey ID, you need to head back to the main Survey Monkey Dashboard. In the main dashboard, you should go ahead and click on the My Surveys tab in the top left hand side of your screen.

On the Survey page, you are going to need to right click and Inspect the page (Inspect Element if you are on Windows).

Now you should be able to see the ID for that survey! Take that ID and plug it into hotglue.