
Amplitude is a product intelligence platform that provides digital product tools that help teams run and grow their businesses.

Connector Details

Auth TypeAPI Keys

Supported Data

See the table below for the list of data you can read with the Amplitude connector.

Table NameFields
app, device_id, user_id, client_event_time, event_id, session_id, event_type, amplitude_event_type, version_name, platform, os_name, os_version, device_brand, device_manufacturer, device_model, device_family, device_type, device_carrier, location_lat, location_lng, ip_address, country, language, library, city, region, dma, event_properties, user_properties, global_user_properties, group_properties, event_time, client_upload_time, server_upload_time, server_received_time, amplitude_id, idfa, adid, data, paying, start_version, user_creation_time, uuid, groups, sample_rate, insertid,insert_id, insert_key, is_attribution_event, amplitude_attribution_ids, plan, partner_id, $schema, processed_time

Credentials Setup

Follow the steps below to get the credentials you need to use the Amplitude connector.

Obtain your Client ID and API Key

The first thing you need to do is log in to Amplitude.

The screen will appear where you can enter the organization name and click on Log In button.

Now, you should enter the credentials and hit the Log In button.

On this page, click on the Settings button.

Click on Project on the right side breadcrumb.

Select the project name. Here I am selecting Hotglue.

You can get API key on this page.

Click on the show button, you can get the Secret key.

Here are the credentials you need to plug into hotglue!