
GitHub provides code hosting services that allow developers to build software for open-source and private projects in organizations.

Connector Details

Auth TypeAPI Keys

Supported Data

See the table below for the list of data you can read with the GitHub connector.

Table NameFields
_sdc_repository, id, node_id, url, html_url, name, slug, description, privacy, permission, members_url, repositories_url, parent
_sdc_repository, id, node_id, url, name, description, color, default
commit_id, created_at, commit_url, url, event, issue, id, actor, node_id, performed_via_github_app, _sdc_repository, rename, label, requested_reviewer, review_requester, assignee, assigner
_sdc_repository, url, html_url, labels_url, id, node_id, number, state, title, description, creator, open_issues, closed_issues, created_at, updated_at, closed_at, due_on
_sdc_repository, user, starred_at, user_id
html_url, url, id, node_id, body, path, position, line, commit_id, user, created_at, updated_at
login, id, node_id, avatar_url, gravatar_id, url, html_url, followers_url, following_url, gists_url, starred_url, subscriptions_url, organizations_url, repos_url, events_url, received_events_url, type, site_admin, _sdc_repository, team_slug
_sdc_repository, url, project_url, cards_url, id, node_id, name, created_at, updated_at
owner_url, url, html_url, columns_url, id, node_id, name, body, number, state, creator, created_at, updated_at
login, id, url, type, _sdc_repository
id, node_id, url, home_url, body, html_url, issue_url, author_association, user, created_at, updated_at, _sdc_repository
_sdc_repository, sha, url, parents, files, html_url, comments_url, commit, pr_number, pr_id, id
_sdc_repository, id, url, number, state, title, body, labels, user, base, merged_at, closed_at, created_at, updated_at
login, id, node_id, avatar_url, gravatar_id, url, html_url, followers_url, following_url, gists_url, starred_url, subscriptions_url, organizations_url, repos_url, events_url, received_events_url, type, site_admin, org_id, org_name
state, url, labels, repository_url, number, closed_at, labels_url, title, assignee, updated_at, html_url, author_association, locked, events_url, pull_request, node_id, body, comments, created_at, _sdc_repository, user, id, comments_url
url, role, state, _sdc_repository
_sdc_repository, cards_url, name, url, id, node_id, note, creator, created_at, updated_at, archived, column_url, content_url, project_url
_sdc_repository, id, url, html_url, target_commitish, tag_name, name, body, draft, prerelease, author, created_at, published_at
_sdc_repository, id, user, body, state, commit_id, html_url, pull_request_url, submitted_at
login, id, node_id, url, repos_url, events_url, hooks_url, issues_url, members_url, avatar_url, description
login, id, url, type, _sdc_repository
_sdc_repository, actor, created_at, id, org, payload, distinct_size, head, push_id, ref, size, public, repo, type
_sdc_repository, id, user, body, node_id, pull_request_review_id, diff_hunk, path, position, original_position, commit_id, original_commit_id, in_reply_to_id, created_at, updated_at, html_url, pull_request_url, assignee, assignees, author_association, base, comments_url, commits_url, diff_url, head, issue_url, labels, locked, merge_commit_sha, milestone, patch_url, requested_reviewers, requested_teams, review_comment_url, review_comments_url, statuses_url
_sdc_repository, sha, url, parents, files, html_url, comments_url, commit, pr_number, pr_id, id

Credentials Setup

Follow the steps below to get the credentials you need to use the GitHub connector.

If you need to find your GitHub Access Token, you have come to the right place. The first thing you need to do is log in to GitHub.

Now that you are logged in to GitHub, go click on your profile in the top right corner of the page.

From the resulting drop down, select the Settings option.

This is your settings page. On the right hand side, near the bottom of the page, you should see an option to head to the Developer Settings section of your account. Go ahead and do that.

You will now be on this page. Once again, one the left hand side you have a few options. You should select the Personal access tokens tab.

Next, you should click the Generate new token button in the top right hand corner.

In the Note section write “hotglue.”

For the Expiration of your token, you can put whatever you like, as long as you remember to generate a new token and put it in hotglue whenever your old token expires. For this examples sake, I will be setting mine to No expiration.

For the Scopes, make sure you enable the necessary scopes for hotglue to grab data from GitHub. If you need help figuring out what scopes you should enable, you can chat with us using our live chat feature in hotglue or shoot us an email at

Once you have everything configured, go ahead and click the Generate token button.

You have now created your Personal access token! Make sure to copy it into a safe place as well as copy it into hotglue. Once you do that, you are all set!