
Wannafind specializes in web hosting and internet marketing services.

Connector Details

Auth TypeAPI Keys

Supported Data

See the table below for the list of data you can read with the Wannafind connector.

Table NameFields
Id, Code, DateCreated, DateExpire, AmountSpent, Limit, ProductIds, Title, Type, UseCount, Value, Vat
Id, InvoiceNumber, CurrencyId, Currency, CustomerId, Customer, UserId, User, Site, LanguageISO, Status, PaymentId, Payment, Transactions, Vat, Total, OrderComment, OrderCommentExternal, CustomerComment, DeliveryComment, DeliveryTime, TrackingCode, DateDelivered, DateDue, DateSent, DateUpdated, OrderLines, PackingId, Packing, DeliveryId, Delivery, DiscountCodes, ReferenceNumber, Origin
Id, CategoryId, Category, SecondaryCategoryIds, SecondaryCategories, ProducerId, Producer, Online, Status, DisableOnEmpty, CallForPrice, Stock, ItemNumber, ItemNumberSupplier, RelationCode, Url, Weight, BuyingPrice, Price, Discount, DiscountType, Delivery, DeliveryId, DeliveryTime, DeliveryTimeId, DiscountGroupId, DiscountGroup, Ean, FocusFrontpage, FocusCart, DateCreated, DateUpdated, RelatedProductIds, LanguageISO, Title, SeoTitle, SeoDescription, SeoKeywords, SeoLink, SeoCanonical, Description, DescriptionShort, DescriptionLong, Variants, Tags, Pictures, CustomData, Additionals, ExtraBuyRelations, UnitId, Unit, UserAccess, UserAccessIds, UserGroupAccess, UserGroupAccessIds, Discounts, MinAmount, VariantTypes, Sorting, GuidelinePrice, ProductUrl, LanguageAccess, VatGroupId, VatGroup, AutoStock, CategorySortings, OutOfStockBuy, StockLow